NOVEMBER 17 - 24, 2019

The aims of Canada Music Week® are to bring to the attention of the public, through various means, the importance of Canadian music; to support composers and performers of Canadian music; to introduce contemporary music to young Canadians and stimulate a keener appreciation and understanding of this music; and to encourage music educators to widen their knowledge and experience of Canadian works.

Canada Music Week® is dedicated to music in its fullest sense but since 1967 particular focus has been on the Canadian cultural content. Thousands of Canadians experience Canada Music Week festivities each year in their communities.

Planning a Canada Music Week Event for 2019? Please email the editor of the Quarter Note Newsletter. Feel free to email your event details and/or event results to (please include pictures for all to enjoy).

You can also order your event supplies here.

We would love to see and share pictures of your students participating in Canada Music Week events. To do so, please print the Media Release Form and send to NB coordinator, Barbara Long.

For more information on Canada Music Week events in New Brunswick, or to share news and pictures from your event, please contact the CMW Provincial Coordinator Barbara Long.

2019 CFMTA Canada Music Week E-Festival

CFMTA's online only music festival is celebrating Canada Music Week 2019! Entries for this online only music festival will be accepted from November 1 through to November 22, 2019. Please visit or for complete information and online entry form.


William Andrews Awards

CFMTA is presenting two awards of $250 each to support innovative Canada Music Week projects. All branches are eligible to submit an application. These awards are made possible by the generous donation of William Andrews of Toronto, ON.  The branches who receive awards will be featured in the Canadian Music Teacher magazine.  Deadline for applying is September 30.

Send a brief written overview of the Canada Music Week project that your branch is planning. Submissions may be sent to Po Yeh.